Madeline Wilson


Madeline is a registered social worker and who helps individuals through transitions in their lives. Madeline works with a wide variety of challenges that people may face including perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, anxiety, depression, caregiver burnout and stress management.

Madeline says: 

I know that you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and worried that you will always feel this way. You may feel burnt out with day-to-day tasks, your work or parenting. You feel lost about what your next steps are and how to move forward. 

You want to have confidence in making decisions, be able to stop your racing mind and feel better. You want to wake up, feel ready for your day, and feel connected with your family and friends.

 Together we will uncover your inner strengths and gifts and work on ways to help you feel better. When you meet with me, I can provide a space to be vulnerable in and to connect to your strength. We will work hard to develop a positive relationship in which you feel safe, comfortable, and able to face the challenges. I look forward to meeting with you, working on your goals and developing a plan to help you thrive. 

I offer in person and virtual sessions during daytimes and evenings to best meet your needs. I work with individuals 16+ and am currently accepting new clients and couples, including NIHB.

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